Wednesday 2 March 2011

Photo Diary- March 2, 2011

1. Mr. Elephant
2. Stretching for dance class
3. Ballet Slippers
4. Drinking green tea from hello kitty cup

*Hi Everyone! This is a new thing I will be starting called a photo diary. It will be a diary entry on what's going on with me then, but made entirely of photos! I know, the photos were taken on my web camera so they are terrible quality, but I will start using my digital camera for them once my room is all sorted out. Right now, I don't want to do anything in my room that involves taking up time, and uploading, and charging, etc. This is because my room is a complete disaster because we are getting a house renovation. I am getting my own bathroom, so they had to bust down one of my walls to build it. There is sawdust all over the carpet in my room. I was supposed to get new cork flooring put in but it is unfortunately in backorder and I can't get all my new furniture set up until the floor in complete. Luckily the bathroom seems almost done. Trust me, it wasn't like those home renovation tv shows where the whole house takes 3 days. No, in the real world, renovations take up to three months. Maybe even more then that. At first the bathroom was very slow moving. It, from my room, just looked like a little whole in the wall, and it started to get bigger and bigger until it was a door. Then for 1-2 weeks the bathroom looked like a skeleton with nothing but wooden beams. Everyday, one new thing was added, like a bathtub, then a power socket, and today, i just came home from school and BAM! They put walls on and it turned more bathroom-like. Here is a picture:
Yes, that's the bathroom. I will be sure to make a video or take some pictures of the finished product in 1 or weeks.

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